stethoscope and money

Status of Current Government Tax Reforms and How These Will Impact Business, Superannuation and Australian Individuals

It’s the start of another year and the question that typically crops up at this time of year is: “What can we expect – economy and business wise – in 2015?” This month’s PJS Accountants Newsletter tackles the same question and provides some answers to help you navigate the rather uncertain economic climate in 2015.

This month’s newsletter gives an update on the status of current government tax reforms and how it will impact:

  • Businesses
  • Superannuation
  • Australian individuals

Download the February Newsletter here:

There’s not much to be happy about with the low interest environment, declining Australian dollar and slow economic growth. But there is still a ray of sunshine amid an uncertain economic future. What businesses and individuals can do is to have a sense of where opportunities can be found and what dangers lurk in 2015.

If you feel like you need support in making your way through the uncertainties and tough times ahead, or simply have a question or want more information, please contact PJS Accountants on (07) 33903177 or click here to contact us.